這是一個有趣的數學機率問題,源自於美國的電視節目 Let’s Make a Deal,遊戲有三扇門,其中一扇門後藏著汽車,另二扇門則是山羊,參賽者先從三扇門中選擇一扇,之後主持人會將再移除另兩扇門的其中一扇,而該扇門後一定的山羊。此時參賽者可以有再一次的選擇權,看是要保留第一次選擇的門,還是選擇主持人留下的另一扇門。
#The Monty Hall Problem #https://www.george.tw/2020/03/05/python-the-monty-hall-problem/ import random guessCount=0 rightCount = 0 while True: door=random.randint(1,3) # Generates a random integer range of 1-3, this is for a prize firstChoice=int(input("Choose a door from 1-3 , to exit the program, press 4 :")) # Let user choose a door if (firstChoice==4): break # if user press 4 then exit while loop guessCount =guessCount +1 # Count the number of guesses doorList=[1,2,3] # This array are the number of the doors doorList.pop(door-1) # We removed the door of the prize's in the array if (firstChoice != door): # If user's choice is not equal to prize newList=[firstChoice,door] # We put user's choice and the prize in to the new array else: second=random.randint(1,2) # If user's choice is equal to prize, we generates a random integer range of 1-2, and removed one of the doors newList=[doorList[second-1], door] newList.sort() secondChoice=int(input("Choose another door from {:d},{:d}:".format(newList[0],newList[1]))) # Let user choose new doors if (secondChoice==door): # The result of user choice print ("You win, the door is {:d}".format(door)) rightCount = rightCount+ 1 # The count of correct choice else: print ("You loss, the door is {:d}".format(door)) print("{:d} guesses in total".format(guessCount)) print("{:d} correct guesses".format(rightCount)) print ("The chance of guessing correctly is {:.3f}".format(rightCount/guessCount)) # Result
door=random.randint(1,3) 利用亂數產生一扇門,這扇門代表獎品
firstChoice 使用者第一次猜測的門(1-3) , 4 離開程式
guessCount 計算使用者猜測的次數
doorList 3 扇門,編號 1 , 2 , 3
doorList.pop(door-1) 先把是獎品編號的門從陣列中移出
if .. else … 這裡要產生新的選擇:
留下一扇門並與 參賽者選中的門產生一個新的陣列
newList.sort() 陣列排序
原始碼: GitHub
大致上換的得獎機率會在 66.6 % 上下